Friday, 27 July 2012

Life's Important Elements

Sometimes life don't go the way we hoped for it, but when that happens just stick to the little Hope you still have and the Faith you always consume from God.
The Mighty God. The One who says so, and so  will happen. When you have faith in God every obstacle you face will just seem like a chance to have a better adventurous path in life.. So don't get mad or think life has closed its doors because believe me it has just opened a better one that you'll be thankful to god for it for the rest of your life!
I've got inspired to write this post because I have just faced a matter that made sad prints in my heart and I've just sticked to God and the two important element in life, which are Hope & Faith and started to imagine what will happen if this matter really happened and in return worse thing penaltied and what are the bright sides..
Believe it or not it comforted me and showed me sides of life I've never noticed before..<3

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