Thursday 10 November 2011

Start Working..

Nothing is impossible.. you can change your WORLD by believing in it
Let's say you're broke and don't have money.. START WORKING! start at least with a dollar for an hour, collect the money and open a small business; buy and sell, is the best thing you can do. Buy things by half the price -buy them from the main production company; that way you can have them in half of the price!- and start selling them by doubling the price that way you're going to have double the money you collected it.. isn't that amazing?
Okay, now start thinking of something bigger.. lets say hire someone you trust and with the money you collected sell things in various places.. Now you have the triple of what you collected in the beginning!

So what I'm trying to say that NOTHING is far from you reach just 1-Believe in yourself 2-START WORKING
Little by Little you'll have the ability to have what you desire.. And who knows maybe if you continued on the sincerity of working and having faith on GOD you may be a successful Business man/woman.

There was a guy his father died when he was only 17years old. This guy had his mother who can't work and sibling smaller than him, so at first he started by selling Sodas for the taxi drivers and other workers. He even used to carry bags in the airport for some money, then he bought a public bus and started carrying people.
See what he did..? he worked sincerely and started to enhance his working little by little. And now he's a SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS MAN.

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