Thursday 10 November 2011

State, Dream & have Faith

What you really want? .. What are your desires?
Everyone in this whole world have things that they really wanted to own; Houses, Cars, a Perfect mate...

-First you go to STATE it.. how are you going to state it:
1-Admit that you want this thing (lets say a car) to Yourself. ex: i really want a car
Don't worry you won't sound like a total retard if you state it between you and yourself when no one is near/hearing you. LOL
2-Write it on you dairy, Agenda...etc

-Second DREAM it..
Day dream that you own this car.. in fact you're going to ride it when you going out to buy groceries or visit your friend.

-Third have FAITH ON GOD & CONVINCE YOURSELF .. and Basically that what's matter the most.
you're going to have this car no matter what. Don't let the negativity be the only obstacle that's facing you!

Follow these terms and believe me you're going to have what you always desired. xo

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